Welcome TO Lancashire hydrogen

60,000 Households in Lanacashire and Cumbria now have solar panels installed

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Do you live or work in the heartland of Lancashire or Cumbria?

New research has shown that these two counties are way ahead of other regions when it comes to generating renewable energy.
The study, published by environmental and renewable energy think tank Green Alliance, includes a county-to-county comparison of each county’s production of, and capacity for, renewable energy. It found that Lancashire and Cumbria are battling for first place having generated energy with impressive levels of onshore wind and biomass.

Sun shines on the North

Despite having a reputation for its damp and drizzly weather, the study shows that Lancashire’s most northerly counties are actually sunnier than you might think. With this comes a surge in solar panels now appearing on more than 60,000 of the region’s residential homes, almost 24,000 of which are in Greater Manchester alone.

As for top spot for renewable energy within the region? That honour goes to a NW Company where a staggering 87% of its electricity consumption comes from renewable sources.

Currently the majority of this comes from onshore wind, but this is now being supplemented by additional power from biomass and waste, which just goes to show that any region can employ a variety of sources when it commits to renewable methods.

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Lancashire Hydrogen

Building & Produce renewable energy

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Progress and the future

The renewable energy trend continues in the NW where major strides are taking place with experienced international players in Offshore wind are now investing in the NW. Offshore is by far the most dominant source across the North West, currently boasting more than a gigawatt of offshore wind capacity. To put that into context, that is the level of capacity required to power one million households.

The region is also starting to look at more creative projects.

When you combine all of these sources, renewable energy now provides 19% of Lancashire and Cumbria’s electricity consumption, placing the region fourth nationally, below Yorkshire and the Humber, Wales and the East of England.

What we offer

the company provides services for using sustainable decision energy and technology

Solar Panels

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Wind Turbines

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Hydropower Plants

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Fossil Resources

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Sustainable, reliable & affordable energy systems, Find your solution now!

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Energy for a sustainable and environmentally friendly society.

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How It work

Our company makes it easy for you to work on your project

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Lancashire Hydrogen

Future is efficient power vitality and sustainable power source


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